Click on the function: ‘Programs and Features’. On your computer, make sure that all SAP sessions are closed and SAP Logon Pad is shut down. Users need to authenticate themselves when accessing SAP. SAP is a distributed application, where client software (SAP GUI) installed on a user’s workstation is used to access the central SAP server remotely over the company’s network. Download the SAPgui installer for Macintosh. Move the following directory to the Trash: Macintosh HD > Library > Preferences > SAP. Move the following directory to the Trash: Userhome > Library > Preferences > SAP. On Macintosh, SAPgui uninstall and reinstall Download and unzip SAP GUI PATCH : SAP GUI PATCH. Step 3: Configure Connection String in Expert Mode. Maintain system description and connection type, then select Expert Mode under Advanced tab. Step 2: Maintain New SAP Connection Properties.
Step 1: Open SAP GUI For Java and Add New Connection.How do I create a new connection in SAP GUI Mac?
Double-click on the JDK Installer package. You’ll receive the prompt to create an account once you select the correct JDK version. Go to Oracle’s download page to download Java SE Development Kit 8 for Mac OS X. Note: SAPgui 7.40 for Mac requires Oracle Java 8 JDK.