There is a daily transaction limit for credit cards of $24,999.99 per credit card per day. You will see a charge from USCIS on your credit card statement. (We will destroy it even if we reject your filing and do not process your payment.) Destroy your Form G-1450 to protect your credit card information.Charge your credit card for the proper amount and.Place the form on top of your application, petition, or request when you file it.Complete and sign Form G-1450, Authorization for Credit Card Transactions (PDF, 255.82 KB) and.We will reject your application, petition, or request if the card is declined, and we will not attempt to process your credit card payment a second time. Make sure the card has enough money to cover the fee. You may use Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. We cannot accept a credit card issued by a foreign bank. There is no additional cost to file by credit card. An application, petition, or request with the USCIS service centers.An application, petition, or request with a USCIS lockbox or.You may pay your filing fee and biometric services fee, if applicable, with a credit card issued by a U.S.